Any level of authentic self-disclosure risks our vulnerability. We are uncomfortable. Self-disclosing reveals our human experience of confusion, pain, and uncertainty.

It is common experience by those in leadership positions to view self-disclosure as unnerving. For those leaders who venture this path the discovery of the common ground we hold with others is basis for building connection.  And connection gives leverage for influence. 

To choose self-disclosure requires discernment. It requires knowing the “time” when vulnerability is worth the risk.    

The Emergent Leader learning experience provides deeper understanding about when to embrace our vulnerability.

I find this adaptation of Ecclesiastes good food for thought on my decision to be vulnerable:

There is a time for everything.

A time for clarity and a time for confusion,

A time for connection and a time to separate,

A time for fear and a time for courage,

A time to stand alone and a time to request help,

A time to listen and a time to speak,

A time for quiet presence and a time for an active present.

May your leadership be filled with wisdom,

Daryl Pichan

Daryl Pichan has mentored and coached business owners, presidents, partners and senior leaders for more than 20 years. Clients are able to re-calibrate and re-energize their functioning by gaining advanced level mastery in leadership skills through improving management of self and deepening their understanding of the emotional processes that guide every human interaction. He has advanced degrees through the University of Rochester, University Associates and Georgetown Family Ctr.