Before you begin reading this blog, I invite you to take in a deep breath through your nose hold it for four seconds then release it through your mouth for four seconds. Each time we breathe, about 10²² molecules of air enter our lungs. From the moment of our birth to our last breath this exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide is fundamental to our existence. The science of breathing is fascinating; a marvel of God’s creation.

Here is a recommendation for all leaders- Breathe! It is as profoundly simple as it is miraculously beneficial. We all have a subconscious process of breathing yet we can get into a habit of shallow breathing. I suggest a few simple exercises that are intended to make you mindful of your breathing, increasing your normal air intake, and increase your mindfulness.  

If you practice yoga or one of the martial arts, you have already encountered these ideas. I learned these techniques at the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland during my training as an Executive Coach. It is a preparation for being more present with my clients, however, there is no real “skill” required.  You simply become focused on your breath and to raise awareness of your body as you breathe. This helps waken your body out of shallow breathing into deeper and more restorative breath. While some would suggest these practices are rooted in Eastern religions, I believe it is the creative process of the Father God. It is what I confess in the first article of the Apostles creed. 

Here are the benefits of deep breathing: Lowers your heart rate, Lowers blood pressure and cardiac output, Increases blood oxygen levels, Promotes clearer thinking, Relieves stress, Increases metabolism, Improves circulation, and Supports detoxification.

Here are two simple breathing exercises:

The 5 x 4 – Breathing normally, count each breath up to 5 and repeat 4 times.  Do not count out loud just think of the counting. The difficult part of this technique is starting over after 5.  I have caught myself in the 20’s before I realized it. You can use your fingers to count the repetitions to 4. The counting helps you clear your mind of the other “noise” that bombards our every moment.

The 4, 7, 8 x 4– Breath in through your nose for a count of 5. Hold your breath for a count of 7 and exhale through your mouth for a count of 4.  Repeat no more than 4 times.  Do this once or twice a day. If you become too light-headed stop and breathe normally.

Breathe- it is good for old bones, “Then He said to me, “Prophesy to the breath, prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD, “Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they come to life.”‘ So I prophesied as He commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they came to life. (Exekiel 37:9-10a)

A resource: “The Healing Power of the Breath: Simple Techniques to Reduce Stress and Anxiety, Enhance Concentration, and Balance Your Emotions” (2012) by Richard P. Brown and Patricia L. Gerbarg 

Kurt Bickel

Cornerstone Consulting